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Computational Methods

ISSN (online): 3048-7447

Editorial Procedures and Peer-Review

Initial Checks

All submitted manuscripts received by the Editorial systems will undergo suitability and scope of the corresponding journal whether it satisfies the journal criteria or not. Once it is found out of scope and not fulfilling the scientific guidelines for use of human subjects, experiments involving clinical trials with human, animals will be summerly rejected. As a matter of policy all the submitted manuscripts should follow theethical standard in such a way that solely submitted to this journal and same manuscripts submitted more than one journal leads to unethical publishing and it is unacceptable if the authors decided to submit manuscripts to other journals then the concern manuscripts should be withdrawn by the author from the Editorial systems.


Once initial screening of the manuscripts is done then it is passed to the journal editor in order to allot two independent subject’s experts for peer-review. We follow single blind peer review systems. The author has provision to choose two reviewers for their choice and also exclude potential reviewers in the list. The allotted reviewers will not be known to authors at any cost, a strict confidentiality will be maintained.

Editorial Decision and Revision

Once the reviewer comments are received, the editor has the right to decide whether accept or reject the articles based on reviewers’ comments. The majority of the reviewer’s comments will be taken into account in some specific cases additional reviewers will be invited to give the feedbacks based on this final decision will be disclosed. Our editorial system follows the decision as given below

Accept with Minor Revisions:

As per reviewer suggestions, the manuscripts can be revised and resubmitted to the editorial systems after modification. The response to the reviewer comments should be suitably addressed point by point and if any rebuttal against reviewer comments or statements, then it has to be appropriately addressed by the authors.

Reconsider with Major Revisions:

After receiving consolidated reviewer reports, the editor will make a decision if further any major modification suggested by the reviewers in order to improve the quality of the article then the author will be given a chance to revise the article. Once again, the articles will be sent back to the reviewers for first round of review.

Upon receiving the comments, whether the revised manuscripts fulfil the concerns raised by the reviewers then it will be accepted. After revision still reviewers’ feedbacks are not satisfied then it will be sent back to the rejection desk.

Reject and Revised version Resubmission:

If any incomplete survey, scientific methods, insufficient data, inappropriate results, less scientific importance and novelty manuscripts will be rejected directly and the author will be encouraged to submit with latest revised version.


If the article has more similarity index, serious flaws against publications ethics it will be completely rejected.