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Computational Methods

ISSN (online): 3048-7447

Author Guidelines

Manuscript length is not restricted by Computational Methods as long as the content is clear and thorough.

Free Format Submission

All manuscripts must include the following sections, though there are no strict formatting rules: Author Information, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Conclusions, Figures and Tables with Captions, Funding Information, Author Contributions, Conflict of Interest, and other Ethics Statements.

As long as you maintain the same formatting throughout, you can use any style for your references. The names of the authors, the title of the journal or book, the title of an article or chapter (if applicable), the year of publication, the volume and issue (if applicable), and the pagination are all necessary. Digital Object Identifiers, or DOI numbers, are strongly encouraged but not required. It is advised to use the bibliographical software programs EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley, and Reference Manager.

Journal LaTex editing team will prepare your manuscript in accordance with the journal's criteria once it has reached the revision/acceptence stage.

The journal editing staff will request editable formats, such as LaTex or MS-Word, from authors once their manuscript has been accepted. Journal LaTex editing team will prepare your manuscript in accordance with the journal's criteria once it has reached the revision/acceptence stage.

Submission files

Original Manuscript PDF (Required)

Cover Letter PDF (optional)

Atleast three reviewers details list PDF (optional)

Submission Process

Manuscripts for journal should be submitted online at submission. Throughout the submission and peer-review phases, the manuscript is under the control of the submitting author, who is typically the corresponding author. The author submitting the work must make sure that all co-authors who meet the requirements have been included to the author list and have read and approved the submitted version of the manuscript.

Manuscript Preparation

General Considerations

Submissions of manuscripts to this publication should not be under consideration for publication in another journal, nor should they have been published elsewhere. These are the primary categories of articles:

Articles: Submitted original research papers. All original research articles are accepted for consideration by the journal as long as they detail studies with high scientific rigor and contain a significant amount of fresh data. It is not necessary for authors to split their work into multiple linked manuscripts; nonetheless, brief communications with important but preliminary results will be taken into consideration. Peer review will take the study's impact and quality into account.
Reviews: These offer succinct and accurate summaries of the most recent developments in a particular field of study. PRISMA guidelines ought to be adhered to in systematic reviews.

Reference numbers in the text should be enclosed in square brackets [] and appear before punctuation, such as [1], [1–3], or [1,3]. References should be described as follows, depending on the type of work:

[1] A. M. Ostrowski. Solutions of Equations and System of equations. Academic Press, New York, 1960.
[2] D.K.R. Babajee, K. Madhu, and J. Jayaraman. A family of higher order multi-point iterative methods based on power mean for solving nonlinear equations. Afr. Mat., 27(5):865–876, 2016.
[3] K. Madhu. Some new higher order multi-point iterative methods and their applications to differential and integral equation and global positioning system. PhD thesis, Pndicherry University, June 2016.
[4] A. Cordero, J.R. Torregrosa, and M.P. Vasileva. A family of modified ostrowski’s methods with optimal eighth order of convergence. Appl. Math. Lett., 24:2082–2086, 2011.

Submission Checklist

Authors must check off whether their entry complies with all of the following requirements as part of the submission process.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word or PDF.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Sample LaTex Template

Sample PDF

Reviewer Suggestions

The authors have to suggest three potential reviewers while submitting articles in the submission process. Please provide detailed contact information (office address, e-mail address). The editors may not necessarily approach these referees.

Peer review

Upon the submission of the articles, the editorial team will be looking for the scope of the journal and technical correctness. The state-of-art plagiarism tools can be used to access the originality of the articles then the reviewer will be assigned by the corresponding editor. The initial review process may take average of one month duration based on that first decision will be made to further revise/accept/reject the articles.


The final copy of the articles will be sent to the corresponding author and it must be verified and return to the editorial office within two to three days.

Copyright / Open Access

All articles published in the publication are based on the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Authors hold the entire copyright of the articles.

Publishing Ethics

The publication of an editorial in a peer-reviewed journal is a basic building square within the advancement of a coherent and regarded organize of information. It could be a coordinate reflection of the quality of the work of the creators and the teach that back them.Peer-reviewed articles support and exemplify the logical method. Itis subsequently vital to concur upon guidelines of anticipated moral conduct for allparties included within the act of distributing: the creator, the journal editor, the peer analyst,the distributer and the society of society-owned or supported journals. The editors of this journal implement a thorough peerreview handle beside strict moral approaches and guidelines to guarantee to include high quality logical works to the field of scholarly publication.


We do not encourage any kind of similarity/duplicate/copy from any other sources without consent. As per our journal policy, all submitted manuscripts will undergo initial plagiarism checks, if any similarity found more than the standard allowable limit the manuscript will be rejected or sent back to the authors. If any type of retraction, scientific misconduct found, the authors will be intimated to the corresponding affiliation and black listed and will not be allowed for future submission.

Article Withdrawal Charges

The following fees will apply if an author decides to withdraw their work after it has undergone peer review or after it has been typeset but not yet published: The withdrawal charges will be 75 USD. However, once it has been published, withdrawal is not feasible.

Conflict of interest

The journal will not be obligated to look into or arbitrate a conflict of interest that arises during the review process or after acceptance and publication. It should be the writers' obligation to settle the disagreement among themselves. The journal retains the right to remove the manuscript from the editorial process if this is not feasible. If the manuscript is published, the journal retains the right to withdraw it.

Retractions Policy

What if someone identifies a factual mistake in the published manuscript? In that instance, the editor is in charge of fixing the manuscript's mistakes with the associated author's approval and assistance. The paper may be retracted without any tolerance if the relevant author and editor are unable to correct the error. Additionally, even if the relevant author is unable to reply, the duplicate publication will be withdrawn when he has been contacted for clarifications.