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Computational Methods

ISSN (online): 3048-7447

Aims and Scope

Computational Methods (ISSN: 3048-7447) is an international open access journal of computational science and engineering. It publishes surveys papers, regular research papers and brief communications. Consequently, there's no confinement on the length of the papers. Our aim is to encouraging the scientists and researchers to publish their experimental and theoretical results more detail as conceivable. The complete exploratory points of interest must be given so that the results can be reproduced.

Computational Methods (ISSN: 3048-7447) gives a gathering for publishing papers which development in point by point understanding of the relationship between in the related fields including, but not limited to: bioinformatics, mathematical modeling, simulation and prediction of nucleic acid (DNA/RNA) and protein sequences, structure and functions, mathematical modeling of pathways and genetic interactions, neuroscience computation including neural modeling, brain theory and neural networks, new theories and methodology including their applications in molecular dynamics, computation of electronic structure, density functional theory, designing and characterization of materials with computation method, new theories, methodology and the application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), optimisation techniques and/or application of optimisation to multidisciplinary systems, system identification and reduced order modelling of engineering systems, parallel algorithms and high performance computing in engineering computation in engineering.

Copyright and Open Access

Computational Methods all articles published in the journal, copyright is retained by the authors. Articles are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license.

© 2025 by the authors; licensee Jagua Publication, India.

Editorial Office

Computational Methods,
Amrita Jaiswal,
Managing editor,
Jagua Publication