Manuscript Submission Overview
Manuscript length is not restricted by Current Research in Interdisciplinary Studies as long as the content is clear and thorough.
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Free Format Submission
All manuscripts must include the following sections, though there are no strict formatting rules for intial submission stage: Author Information, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Conclusions, Figures and Tables with Captions, Funding Information, Author Contributions, Conflict of Interest, and other Ethics Statements.
As long as you maintain the same formatting throughout, you can use any style for your references. The names of the authors, the title of the journal or book, the title of an article or chapter (if applicable), the year of publication, the volume and issue (if applicable), and the pagination are all necessary. Digital Object Identifiers, or DOI numbers, are strongly encouraged but not required. It is advised to use the bibliographical software programs EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley, and Reference Manager.
Journal LaTex editing team will prepare your manuscript in accordance with the journal's criteria once it has reached the revision/acceptence stage.
The journal editing staff will request editable formats, such as LaTex or MS-Word, from authors once their manuscript has been accepted. Journal LaTex editing team will prepare your manuscript in accordance with the journal's criteria once it has reached the revision/acceptence stage.
Submission files
Original Manuscript PDF (Required)
Cover Letter PDF (optional)
Atleast three reviewers details list PDF (optional)
Submission Process
Manuscripts for journal should be submitted online at submission. Throughout the submission and peer-review phases, the manuscript is under the control of the submitting author, who is typically the corresponding author. The author submitting the work must make sure that all co-authors who meet the requirements have been included to the author list and have read and approved the submitted version of the manuscript.