Research Article
Development of Serum Protein Electrophoresis Examination using Agarose Gel membrane
- By Rahayu Anggraini, Nanda Fadhilah Witris Salamy - 03 Dec 2024
- Journal of Applied Health Sciences and Medicine, Volume: 4, Issue: 11, Pages: 1 - 5
- Received: 24 July 2024; Accepted: 25 October 2024; Published: 3 December 2024
Serum protein electrophoresis on agarose gel membrane is a versatile protein fraction separation technique that can be applied to many analyses, especially in clinical laboratories. The development of serum protein electrophoresis examination was conducted to complement the clinical chemistry course. Objective: to develop a protein identification test that is still not applied, because the full automatic method has dominated the market, so that clinical laboratories in remote areas cannot afford to buy protein electrophoresis equipment, even though this test is very important to accelerate the diagnosis of liver, kidney, and autoimmune disorders. Methods: sampling serum of normal individuals and hepatitis patients, respondents each to determine the composition of the five protein fractions by electrophoresis, whether there is a difference. Results: in the serum of normal individuals, the albumin fraction dominated among other protein fractions, while in the serum of hepatitis patients, the gamma globulin fraction was more dominant than the albumin fraction. Conclusion: agarose gel membrane can be used as a routine examination to distinguish patients with liver disorders, ginkal and rheumatoid arthritis.
Keywords: Agarose gel membrane, Serum protein, Patients with kidney disorders, Patients with liver disorders, Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients.
Cite as: R. Anggraini, and N.F.W. Salamy. Development of Serum Protein Electrophoresis Examination using Agarose Gel membrane. Journal of Applied Health Sciences and Medicine, 4(11):1–5, 2024.