Healthcare Issues

Research Article

A Quasi Experimental Study to Access The Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Of Postnatal Mothers Regarding Selected Minor Disorders of New Born In Post Natal Ward of Selected Hospital at Amritsar Punjab

  • By Sonika Raju, Raj Rani, Navpreet Kaur - 18 Nov 2024
  • Healthcare Issues, Volume: 3, Issue: 2, Pages: 12 - 18
  • Received: 24 September 2024; Accepted: 2 November 2024; Published: 18 November 2024


Introduction: It takes a special woman to be a mother. Neonatal period is the most crucial one in a person’s life. After birth, a child’s health depends upon the health care practices adopted by the family, especially by mothers. The minor disorders are most common among newborns.
Methodology: The study to assess the effectiveness of a structured teaching program on the knowledge of postnatal mothers regarding selected minor disorders of newborns in the postnatal ward of a selected hospital at Amritsar (Punjab) with quasi-experimental study design on sample of 100 postnatal mothers by convenience sampling technique (50 experimental group, 50 control group) with a structured knowledge questionnaire as tool to collect the data. The post-test knowledge was assessed after 1 week of intervention. The data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Result: The result of the pre-test reveals that in the experimental group, the majority of 54% had poor knowledge, 40% had average knowledge and 6% had good knowledge. In the control group, the majority 48% had poor knowledge, 48% had average knowledge and 4% had good knowledge regarding selected minor disorders of newborns. The result on the post-test showed that in the experimental group, the majority of 70% had good knowledge and 30% had average knowledge. In the control group, 50% had average knowledge, 42% had poor knowledge and 8% had good knowledge regarding selected minor disorders of newborns. Findings showed that in the experimental group, post-test level of knowledge, the experimental group post-test mean and SD were 20.88±3.354 and the control group was 12.58±3.482 with a mean difference of 8.30 (t = 12.11, df = 98, p = 0.001), which indicates statistically highly significant.
Conclusion: This study had shown that structured teaching programs were effective in improving the knowledge of postnatal mothers regarding selected minor disorders of newborns.