Research Article
Assessing the Impact of Healthcare Quality on Facility Utilization among Rural Dwellers in Bauchi State Nigeria
- By Abdulbaqi Alhaji Magaji, Shuaibu Suleiman, Rashidat Oluwabukola Owolabi, Maryam Dahiru Umar, Abuhuraira Ado Musa - 06 Sep 2024
- Journal of Applied Health Sciences and Medicine, Volume: 4, Issue: 8, Pages: 4 - 7
- Received: 9 June 2024; Accepted: 20 August 2024; Published: 6 September 2024
Rural areas in Nigeria, including Bauchi State, face significant healthcare challenge, with limited access to quality healthcare services. This study as aimed at assess the impact of healthcare quality on facility utilization among rural Dwellers in Bauchi State Nigeria. A cross sectional design was used for this study. Simple random sampling technique was used to select three local government areas from each senatorial district. A total of 1344 respondents were sampled for the study. The questionnaires were administered by the researcher and some research assistants. The reliability index as determined using Cronbach’s alpha test of internal consistency stood at 0.89. The data from the study were presented using descriptive statistics of mean and percentages for the research questions. The analysis was carried out using SPSS version 25. The results obtained showed that the quality of healthcare services influences the utilization of health care facilities by rural dwellers in Bauchi State. However, the r2 value of 0.29 indicates that the quality of healthcare services have 8% influence on the utilization of health care facilities by rural dwellers in Bauchi State. Therefore, the stake holders in the health sector, in collaboration with Government and healthcare workers should ensure that the quality of services offered in the health care facilities is improved upon. This will in turn encourage the rural dwellers to regularly visit healthcare facilities in Bauchi State Nigeria.