Journal of Applied Health Sciences and Medicine

Research Article

Relationship between Socio-demographic Nurses' Characteristics and their Knowledge Regarding Fall Prevention among Elderly Women

  • By Amal Abelazyeem Mohammed, Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan, Sania Said Ghanem, Salwa Ahmed Mohammed - 30 Jun 2024
  • Journal of Applied Health Sciences and Medicine, Volume: 4, Issue: 5, Pages: 5 - 16
  • Received: March 13, 2024; Accepted: June 17, 2024; Published: June 30, 2024


Background: The rate of measurement, risks of falls, fall among adults 65 and older caused over 36,000 deaths in 2020, making the leading cause of injury death for that group. In 2020, emergency departments recorded 3 million visits for older adult falls. Aim of Study was assess relationship between socio-demographic nurses' characteristics and their knowledge regarding fall prevention among elderly women. Research design: A descriptive design Setting: Outpatient Clinics at Beni-Suef University Hospital. Sample: A cross sectional sampling composed from 100 nurses. Tool: Self-administered Questionnaire consists of: (I) Personal characteristics of nurses, (II): Knowledge assessment sheet. Results:almost half of study sample (48.0%) range in age from 30 to less than 45 years old, 62.0% have good level of total knowledge about fall prevention among the elderly during hospitalization. Conclusion: A highly statistically significant relation between total knowledge of the studied nurses about fall prevention among the elderly during hospitalization and their age, Educational qualification, years of experience and training. Recommendation: Implement an educational program to improve nurses' knowledge regarding accidents especially falling in old women.

Keywords: Nurses' Characteristics Fall Elderly Women