Journal of Applied Health Sciences and Medicine


Efficacy of Using Objective Structured Clinical Examination on Competencies of Nursing Students in Health Assessment Skill

  • By Magda M. Mohsen, Elham S. Elzyen, Neima Ali Riad, Amal A. El-Abbassy - 15 Jun 2021
  • Journal of Applied Health Sciences and Medicine, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, Pages: 54 - 68
  • Received: 16 May 2021; Accepted: 11 June 2021; First Online: 15 June 2021


Background: OSCEs (objective structured clinical examinations) are a great method for assessing safe psychomotor skills in nursing undergraduate programmers. This study examined the usefulness of the objective structured clinical examination of the health assessment skills of nursing students. Methods: Design: The second and fourth year of the Faculty of Nursing was designed almost experimentally (pre-post) for "140" nursing students. Setting: Faculty of Menoufia University in Egypt Medical Surgical Care Laboratories. Data collection tools: The first tool is a structured interview survey. The report was divided into six sectors: the age of the students, the name of the assessor, the general understanding of the OSCE by the students, the perspective of the OSCE system by the students, the assessment of the OSCE quality assessment, and, finally, a perception of the validity and reliability of OSCE. The second instrument is Health Evaluation Checklist Station 1. The final tool is Sample Question Station 2. Results: After intervention students improved statistically significantly compared with before intervention, the students' general knowledge about the OSCE system, the OSCE system perspective, OSCE attribute assessment and quality evaluation, the validity and reliability perception of OSCE test tool, health assessment checklist stations and sample question stations. Conclusions: These findings show that nursing students understand that OSCEs measure what they're supposed to measure. Also, the utilization of OSCE as a helpful teaching method to improve nursing students' health assessment competencies. Furthermore, it allows small groups of students to practice how to behave in a real-life patient care situation in a safe and regulated environment. So, it highly recommended that evaluating nursing students through OSCE should be used in other setting, to enhance competencies of nursing students.

Keywords: Nursing Competencies, Structured Clinical Examination, Health Assessment Skill